Bug 1191130 R[Firefox:Search]Intermittent browser_contentSearchUI.js | Test timed out
Bug 1453190 R[Core:Editor]Assertion failure: !mIsBeingDestroyed, at src/docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp:12970
Bug 1561227 R[DevTools:Responsive Design Mode]RDM should correctly handle full-page zoom and resolution zooming together.
Bug 1577058 R[Core:Selection]PageUp/PageDown jumps to top or bottom of very tall contenteditable div.
Bug 1580839 R[DevTools:Debugger]Investigate error `Unknown thread front: UnknownThread`
Bug 1583735 R[Core:Networking: JAR]Find out why accessing mmaped JAR file generates SIGBUS
Bug 1588356 R[Core:DOM: Core & HTML]Crash in [@ nsINode::WrapObject]
Bug 1589766 R[Core:CSS Parsing and Computation]Experiment with implementing zoom as a transform + transform-origin shorthand.
Bug 1590368 V[Core:Web Speech]Permafailing build bustage on OnlineSpeechRecognitionService.cpp:220:12: error: variable 'rv' set but not used on Linux x64 opt when Gecko 72 merges to Beta on 2019-12-02
Bug 1591394 R[Core:DOM: Quota Manager]QM: Add more getters to DirectoryLock
Bug 1591577 R[Core:CSS Parsing and Computation]Intermittent layout/style/test/test_area_url_cursor.html | Test timed out.
Bug 1591655 R[Core:JavaScript Engine]Remove the useless proto argument to JS::NewPromiseObject
Bug 1591752 R[Core:Graphics: WebRender]Land shared FFI code + pref that connects the webrender::Compositor trait to RenderCompositor
Changes to 16 bugs - 14 fixed.