Changes in 20200112093302

Built from 119cd111d7d4568c3040437648bb67f0f83f9eb7

Bug 1594029 A[Core:Audio/Video: Playback]Intermittent dom/media/test/test_streams_element_capture_reset.html | Got 0.25541950113378686, expected at least 0.266; checking vout.currentTime at first 'ended' event
Bug 1597456 R[Core:DOM: Navigation]Fix uses of mozilla::TextEditor::IsSafeToInsertData in editor/libeditor/TextEditorDataTransfer.cpp
Bug 1608379 R[Core:Graphics][Wayland] Don't use LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL on Wayland
Bug 1259822 R[Core:JavaScript Engine]Improve the error message produced when a user attempts to access a property of [something that evaluated to] undefined.
Bug 1602108 R[DevTools:General]ubuntu1804 - devtools/client/shared/test/browser_layoutHelpers.js | Reduced motion is disabled - Got true, expected false
Bug 1608601 R[Firefox:Address Bar][Nudges] Urlbar input isn't cleared after clicking the redirect tip's "Okay, Got It" button
Bug 1605491 R[Firefox:Migration]Import from Microsoft's Chromium Edge Beta browser
Bug 1523179 R[Firefox:Migration]Support Chrome Beta import on Windows
Bug 1606889 R[Firefox Build System:General]Clean up references to obsolete ESR branches
Bug 1602863 N[Firefox Build System:Task Configuration]ubuntu1804 - migrate tasks, tests and other jobs that use desktop1604-test to use ubuntu1804-test image
Bug 1608460 R[Firefox Build System:Toolchains]Redefine MIDL names to be unique to work around a clang-cl bug
Changes to 11 bugs - 9 fixed.