Changes in 20210222084406

Built from c27aac8c84b70e3611b04fc56927719419aefc64

Bug 1422855 R[Core:Graphics]MacOS - Firefox sometimes freezes until the process is restarted when switching users.
Bug 1542057 R[Core:Panning and Zooming]Generate scrollinfo layers for scrollframes that contain OOP iframes
Bug 1694002 R[Core:Widget: Cocoa]Make back/forward swiping harder to trigger accidentally
Bug 1185358 R[Firefox:Address Bar]Paste words in location bar: newlines are removed, words are merged
Bug 1650705 R[GeckoView:General]Don't fire input event before firing startcomposition
Changes to 5 bugs - 5 fixed.
1 bugs are not included due to being restricted