Changes in 20210527092758

Built from b1d195d012a4af03c9cd001af57bc3d4d95396cd

Bug 1712346 R[Core:Audio/Video: GMP]Store GMP thread in ChromiumCDMParent and assert methods run on it
Bug 1677555 V[Core:CSS Parsing and Computation]Hit MOZ_CRASH(already mutably borrowed) at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/third_party/rust/atomic_refcell/src/
Bug 1712180 R[Core:DOM: Core & HTML]Named properties object is not spec-perfect
Bug 1712614 R[Core:DOM: Core & HTML]Remove special handling of DOM_WINDOW_UTILS in the CCGCScheduler code
Bug 1540037 N[Core:DOM: Editor]Split TextEditor and HTMLEditor
Bug 1535913 R[Core:DOM: Navigation]Intermittent PROCESS-CRASH | Main app process exited normally | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext::BrowsingContext(mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext*, mozilla::dom::BrowsingContextGroup*, unsigned long, mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext::Type)]
Bug 1710509 R[Core:DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling]When using a stylus in Firefox, the TouchEvents that are fired contain touches with ridiculously large radii
Bug 1710751 R[Core:Disability Access APIs]Voiceover Firefox In page links like help page and skip navigation do nothing (only work around is navigation by header)
Bug 1712182 R[Core:Disability Access APIs]Assertion failure: false (Binding to nonexistent proxy!), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/accessible/ipc/DocAccessibleParent.cpp:596
Bug 1387308 R[Core:Disability Access APIs]Tree cycle when aria-owns adopts ancestor which isn't yet created
Bug 1710679 R[Core:Graphics: WebGPU]Implement WebGPU RenderBundle
Bug 1712871 R[Core:Graphics: WebRender]Move max_update_rects into CompositorCapabilities
Bug 1712492 R[Core:Graphics: WebRender]The shadow of some popup menus is getting darker every time they're opened when the GPU process is enabled
Bug 1712789 R[Core:ImageLib]Update jpeg-xl to new version bdde644b94c125a15e532b2572b96306371a7d4e from 2021-05-25 19:02:18
Bug 1687635 A[Core:Internationalization]Replace the Text Encoding menu with a single item Override Text Encoding
Bug 1706949 R[Core:JavaScript Engine]wasi support part 13: icu and intl for wasi
Bug 1712764 R[Core:JavaScript Engine]Use js::EnumFlags for shape property attributes
Bug 1712397 R[Core:JavaScript Engine]Add Proxy information to dumpObject
Bug 1705783 R[Core:JavaScript Engine]Consider using MOZ_AUTOMATION for SM(pkg)
Bug 1712424 R[Core:JavaScript Engine]Use of the arguments object or spread operator significantly reduces JS performance
Bug 1712886 R[Core:JavaScript Engine: JIT]ARM64: Better codegen for 64-bit bitop-with-immediate
Bug 1712204 A[Core:JavaScript: GC]`mach hazards gather` tends to trigger the OOM killer
Bug 1712692 R[Core:Javascript: WebAssembly]ARM64: Avoid useRegister when useRegisterAtStart is good enough
Bug 1712935 R[Core:Javascript: WebAssembly]Constant folding for i64 arithmetic
Bug 1710024 A[Core:Javascript: WebAssembly]ARM64: Avoid defineReuseInput
Bug 1712875 R[Core:Layout: Flexbox]Fix the union of the flex items' margin boxes which we add flex container's padding to
Bug 1712693 R[Core:Memory Allocator]Re-instate grabbing memory reports when we detect a low-memory situation
Bug 1705659 R[Core:Networking]Rewrite authentication code with Tokenizer
Bug 472823 R[Core:Networking]SHA 256 Digest Authentication
Bug 1710387 R[Core:Networking: HTTP]"h3" will match old drafts of the HTTP alt-svc tokens
Bug 669675 R[Core:Networking: HTTP]failure to skip unknown HTTP authentication schemes in WWW-Authenticate
Bug 1704062 R[Core:Panning and Zooming]Pinch to zoom or double tapping breaks links inside position: fixed
Bug 1711633 R[Core:Panning and Zooming]Crash in [@ pthread_mutex_lock | mozilla::layers::APZEventResult::APZEventResult]
Bug 1712562 R[Core:Privacy: Anti-Tracking]9.98 - 3.57% facebook FirstVisualChange / facebook loadtime + 19 more (Linux, Windows) regression on Thu May 20 2021
Bug 1706612 R[Core:Privacy: Anti-Tracking]Add an allow list pref for excluding hosts from URL query string stripping.
Bug 1707843 R[Core:Sanitizers]reenable wpt test temporarily deactivated for testrunner timeouts
Bug 1712866 A[Core:Sanitizers]Perma Linux 18.04 x64 tsan opt crashtest exceptions claim_expired
Bug 1701192 A[Core:Security: PSM]Size limit of SiteSecurityServiceState.txt and Firefox cache partitioning make HSTS unreliable
Bug 1712848 R[Core:Security: PSM]avoid SecCertificateCopyNormalizedIssuerSequence and SecCertificateCopyNormalizedSubjectSequence in osclientcerts
Bug 1711262 A[Core:Security: PSM]Upgrade Firefox 90 to use NSS 3.66
Bug 1708422 R[Core:Spelling checker]Fortify code around `mozInlineSpellChecker::DoSpellCheck`
Bug 1712675 R[Core:Widget: Gtk]Adding new CPP files into widget/gtk causes various build failure
Bug 1710436 N[Core:Widget: Gtk][Wayland] Better popup dependency handling
Bug 1688720 R[Core:Widget: Gtk]Printing does not work in flatpak version
Bug 1707789 R[Core:XUL]Intermittent layout/xul/test/browser_bug1163304.js | Uncaught exception received from previously timed out test - popupshown listener on #PopupSearchAutoComplete not removed before the end of test
Bug 1710694 R[DevTools:Console]Wrong error message when a custom error is thrown or logged to the console
Bug 1708919 R[DevTools:Debugger]Debugger Panel is blank when trying to open WASM source
Bug 1712686 R[DevTools:Framework]Pull DevToolsClient from `commands` instead of target fronts
Bug 1499679 R[DevTools:Object Inspector]Display private fields in ObjectInspector
Bug 1709362 R[DevTools:Responsive Design Mode]Intermittent devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/browser_max_touchpoints.js | A promise chain failed to handle a rejection: Connection closed, pending request to server0.conn29.child195/frameTarget1, type reload failed
Bug 1712724 R[Firefox:Keyboard Navigation]Adding @ to any text on the Firefox Sync login page will automatically select the entire text
Bug 1712868 R[Firefox:Messaging System]Upgrade onboarding: aria-live should not be set on entire dialog
Bug 1694163 N[Firefox:Messaging System]Remove assets associated with the ETP doorhangers
Bug 1711899 R[Firefox:Messaging System]The Sign in button should not be displayed on the Onboarding page when the `identity.fxaccounts.enabled` pref is set to false
Bug 1712857 R[Firefox:Messaging System]Upgrade dialog radio button theme selection text is white on hover
Bug 1708308 R[Firefox:Messaging System]Intermittent browser/components/newtab/test/browser/browser_aboutwelcome_multistage.js | Uncaught exception - at /components/newtab/test/browser/browser_aboutwelcome_multistage.js:435 - TypeError: can't access property "event", args[1] is undefined
Bug 1712612 R[Firefox:Pocket]Clean up signup panel code
Bug 1712863 R[Firefox:Pocket]Pocket panel saved error message issue
Bug 1712617 R[Firefox:Theme]in Windows high contrast mode the cancel button in modals invisible when tabbed to with keyboard
Bug 1710852 R[Firefox:Theme]Tag Arrow from the Bookmark modal and the Checkboxes from the Protocol handlers are not displayed properly when hovering over with High Contrast enabled
Bug 1711991 R[Firefox:Toolbars and Customization]Remove -proton from pageActions-proton and browser-proton directory names
Bug 1712846 R[Firefox:Top Sites]Contile returns an JSON object other than an array
Bug 1710546 N[Firefox:Translation]Bundle Firefox Translations extension as a builtin addon Nightly only
Bug 1708093 N[Firefox Build System:General]Update FF to NSPR 4.31
Bug 1707096 R[Firefox Build System:General]permafailing clang-trunk bustage /builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/dist/include/js/Value.h:393:3: error: definition of implicit copy assignment operator for 'Value' is deprecated because it has a user-declared copy constructor [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-copy]
Bug 1696251 A[Firefox Build System:Mach Core]Allow Mach commands as standalone functions
Bug 1712953 R[Release Engineering:General]Add a 'frequency' key to the moz.yaml schema
Bug 1705028 R[Toolkit:Data Sanitization]Extend ClearDataService to accept a flag that allows for clearing partitioned sub-storage
Bug 1705029 R[Toolkit:Data Sanitization]Update CookieCleaner to support clearing partitioned storage
Bug 1705035 R[Toolkit:Data Sanitization]Update SecuritySettingsCleaner to support clearing partitioned storage
Bug 1712642 R[Toolkit:OS.File]Support overriding a backup file that already exists in IOUtils.write
Changes to 72 bugs - 59 fixed.
1 bugs are not included due to being restricted